Friday, December 04, 2015

Phooey to you, Pantone..

"Pale pink and blue are my favourite colours" said no-one ever.  Not even if you call them by fancy names.

Here are MY colour choices for 2016:

Turquoise and teal.   I have a big tin of turquoise paint, and I'll be using it.  Watch this space.


Helen said...

wooop! good call.
though I'll admit, my double wedding ring quilt with it's pink and blue cornerstone things, finished in the 90s remains my favourite.

And yes, american spell check, I spell favourite like that.

Ali Honey said...

I agree!

Nancy J said...

Any colour in the blue, green or purple range, including teal and turquoise will suit me well.

Unknown said...

I saw the pantone colors and the only thought that came to mind was how boring! Now Turquoise and Teal, well Hell yes!

Françoise said...

I like your colours too!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Oh gosh, I'm with you about the new colors. They make me feel like I'm back in my childhood bedroom of the 50's. But your choice for the colors for 2016? They just happen to be my two of my favorites!