Monday, August 21, 2006

Leaving Comments

According to my Clustrmap (down on the right-hand side, shows where the people visting my blog originate from) I have had 5460 hits since June, and yesterday there were 55 visits.


Please, please leave a comment when you visit my blog. OK, if you hate what I've made or find it uninteresting, that's fine, skip the comments! But if you like what I do, please say so; if I'm not reading your blog and you'd like me to cos we have things in common, let me know! Comments are the lifeblood of blogging, and what makes our bloglives so interesting. I love to hear from people in other parts of the world. New Zealand is a loooong way from everywhere else.

I am dying to know WHO is visiting my blog from Africa, from Asia, from India, from the Middle East, from South America, from the middle of the Pacific Ocean! Who are you all? Tell me!


Bonnie said...

Greetings from a textile artist in Boston, MA.

Jo in NZ said...

Me here , from Auckland!! Not so far away. I visit everytime you post. I think part of the problem is that alot of people blogroll, so I can read your posts without going to your page.
Anyway, loved the toilet. Did I leave a comment on that ?? LOL

Deb R said...

I think most bloggers feel the same way. I do! But I've heard from a lot of long-term bloggers that for a normal everyday post (as opposed to a "hot topic" post that gets a debate going, for instance), you can expect to get comments from maybe 5 - 10% of your readers.

If you just want to know who's lurking, you could always offer some sort of little prize to be drawn from a pool of whoever comments on a particular post or something. :-)

Helen said...

Hey there...frequent visitor me, I feel the same way over at the pixiepost, who are these visitors? But it's lovely to have this blog life.

Deb Geyer said...

Hi froom Texas.

Lorraine said...

I lurk a lot, kind of shy, but I did come out of lurk mode to rave about your recent dye projects. From the Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA.

Janet said...

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't even look at my stats! Is that bad?

Hi from a fellow hobbit fan :-)

QuiltingFitzy said...

Greetings from San Jose, CA!

I mostly read from work...where I'm supposed to NOT be doing personal "stuff". I call it enrichment! *snerk*

Anonymous said...

Hi Shirley, Kay Susan from Eastbourne, England

Zaz said...

I often pop in and read ........tho dont often comment - sorry! time is a thing - I dont have enough of it to comment on all the blogs I read! I still enjoy your blog tho and do comment when I have a spare two secs!!!!

The Sagittarian said...

Hi Shirley,
You seem like the crafty type who might even know my mum...she lives in Kakanui and dyes her own wool, makes felt and so on. If you think you might know her...Beth....would be nice to say hello! You have commented on my friend Pixie's blog in the past.

Maya Madhavan said...

Hi Shirley! I am a regular reader of your blog; am from the Bay Area, California.