Monday, March 13, 2006

Batik stamps

Here are the batik stamps that Kathryn and I have bought from Chappas Textiles in Australia. Rats, I like Kathryn's ones betetr than mine. The two on the left hand side go together, one over top of the other. The metal one in the top middle has some damage around the edges but looks like a great design. Mine are the lower middle one (all over design) and the wee random one.


Rayna said...

Thanks for letting me know they're here,Shirley! Ah - tjap envy, I know it well. I always like my friend Helene's better than mine.
But yours will look great as an allover pattern. Yum yum. Next, you'll have to post what you make with them.

Sheril Drummond said...

Glad to hear you have re-couped enough to be out and about again.

Just thought I would let you know I have a new quilt posted. Take a look and see if you like it!
