Friday, January 26, 2007

Out of focus Friday

While at the Symposium, I whizzed quickly around the main exhibition one lunch break taking photos of the work that I liked - consequently, my rushed visit is reflected in some of the photos (like the second one) being somewhat out of focus.

The first photo is a couple of entries in a "Think Outside the Square" challenge, where the quilts were not allowed to be square and needed to be different in other ways too - the oval one on the left is actually made of coffee filters. I thought these two looked very appealing together.

The tumbling blocks quilt, while a traditional design (and one that I've always loved), won a Merit Award for Best Use of Colour and is by Gwen Wanigasekera of New Zealand. Gwen is a well-known quilter and was also a tutor at Symposium.

More photos to come!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just love what you have already put up here. I was late getting down to the KQ dinner so missed the exhibitions and all the noise and excitement of Monday evening so had to take extra medication when I got home and then headed back to see the exhibitions - one day late - on the Thursday !!!!!!! However I was allowed to pay for a copy of the DVD which was going to be posted that same day. I haven't received it yet but then I guess the Palmerston lot are enjoying a "breakdown"they sue earned it.