This is the design I decided to use for the Provence-inspired fabric I dyed yesterday. Not that I have finished assembling the Turquoise & Purple quilt - I have put this aside for now. Once I can see in my head how a quilt will look, I need to start making it. I really liked the double-framed squares combined with rows of smaller squares on point in this pattern.

So I looked through my commercial fabrics for something with a pattern that I could use for the centres of the large feature squares. Nothing suitable. I rang my LQS (Local Quilt Shop) to see if they were open, as this is a holiday weekend in my district. Nothing on the website, nothing on the answerphone to indicate if they were open or closed. A sale lost there.
Thwarted, I rummaged through my PHD's (Projects Half Done) and found some rust dyed fabrics. There wasn't a lot, but I managed to get 9 squares with interesting patterns on them. I then selected the best 9 fabrics from yesterday, and started framing these. As is usual for me, I am making different sized squares from the ones in the pattern, plus my framing pieces are different widths as well.
Originally, I envisaged plain white as the background, to give a sharp contrast, but now I'm using the rust fabrics, I'm going with cream calico for the background. I have another idea to use the rest of the fabrics that will go with stark white.
More soon!
I think your will look less busy and more pleasing to the eye than the quilt in the magazine picture. It will be unique.
I have to say, I really do prefer your version, so much easier on the eyes! LOL
I love your version
Hi there! I love your blog and I noticed you're inspired by Provence as I am. My quilt you may find interesting. Yours is lovely! Therese
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