Friday, September 21, 2007

Not all my own work. Unfortunately.

Blogger moves in mysterious ways. Trying to upload these images is a constant struggle as to exactly where they might appear. And, of course, the ACTUAL placement of the photos of the blog is not the same as I see on the draft.
As for text, it's anyone's guess where THAT will end up when you're typing in around photos. Anyway, for those folks who are going into the shorter days of autumn (fall for the American readers), here's some photos of our New Zealand spring to brighten your day. If the photos stay put, I'm reading clockwise from top left: my dwarf peach tree that has made 2 shifts (or maybe 3) with me - it's underplanted with with grape hyacinths; a potted blueberry in bloom; lovely white tulips; hoop petticoat daffodils in the rock garden; and my magnolia stellata that travelled from Oamaru with me (yes, A-frames are strange as they have spouting at ground level).

As usual, click on the photos to get a larger view.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I had that problem with the pictures in the beginning too but I found that if I checked the "large" for size of all pictures, I can always put my typing where I want it and it stays there. With small and medium the text wraps and splits.

His Office, My Studio said...

Blogger is mysterious. I have my photos set to large and once in awhile the text and photos shifts arounds.

When we have snow here in Chicagoland I will be looking forward to seeing your flowers in full bloom.

Nellie's Needles said...

Thanks for sharing your spring.

As for photos, I use the large size and also the centering feature. Photos (copy, too) can be moved around. "Control X" takes it away. I then put the cursor where the photo (or copy) needs to be with "control V". I work on a Mac and don't know if the commands are the same for other brands of computers.

Digitalgran said...

I decided to have a boring blog with almost all the photos the same size and all set in the middle. saves a lot of hassle.

Suzi-k said...

they are so lovely, and it must be nice to have bits from your old garden to help you settle in. Parcel was sent on Wednesday..... I was told it would take up to 2 weeks.