Monday, October 23, 2006

Labour Day

Today is Labour Day in New Zealand, a public holiday that celebrates workers being granted the 40 hour week. This is not so significant when you're self-employed. For those who wonder if I actually do any ordinary dyeing, here's samples of some new dye mixes that I blended yesterday. Pretty, huh?
Thanks to all those who commented on my first attempts at rust dyeing. I am still very inspired by the possibilities of this. I now have some small farm implements like these big cogs and the plough head shown in these two pieces of fabric. All I need is some uninterrupted time
with no other commitments.......wait, don't we ALL want that? I'm off to a spinners, weavers and dyers retreat this coming weekend, so I've had the brilliant idea of taking the rust pieces (there are more underway) and my sewing machine with me. Ah, the bliss of doing creative stuff for a whole two days!! Posted by Picasa


His Office, My Studio said...

The colors are great! I am going to try rust dyeing this summer.

Micki said...

Love the colors. The rust dyed pieces are interesting looking. Enjoy the retreat.