Firstly, I have got myself a JOB. Yes, one of those things that normal people have, where you have to be somewhere else from 8.30 to 5 from Monday to Friday, and in exchange, you get money. A job interferes with my ability to do what I like when I like (and I DO like to do things that way) but needs must etc. I decided that a regular income is needed, so a job it is. I decided this last Sunday (ahem! I know I haven't posted since then), found a couple of suitable jobs online and applied for them on Sunday night. I had a job offer on Monday afternoon. Speedy, even by my standards. I spent most of Friday overlapping the current person to learn what to do, and I start for real tomorrow (Monday). The job involves looking after investment details for clients of a financial planner on complicated software programmes, processing the buying and selling of shares and investments, and anything else related to client portfolios.
Consequently (and secondly), my creative time will become more limited. Of course, I'll still be running my dye business AND my financial services business in my spare time.
Thirdly, I wanted to post photos of the mohair jersey I just knitted, and the 2 others I'm working on but @#$%^!! Picasa ate my photos, so here's some completely irrelevant shots of the black and white quilt I made for Sophie's former boyfriend about 4 years ago.
I love black and white but maybe I would have been naughty and put flashes of colour here and there.
Good luck with your job - doesn't sound fun at all but I do understand the needs must part. Many of us are in that situation.
Ah yes - the need to support ourselves. I like my job, mostly, but there are definitely times when I'd just like to do what I like, and play with fabrics and quilt. So I read blogs, and buy way too many books, and dream...
WOW, that was quick to find a job!
I like your two sides, creativity and business. Amazing.
Congratulations, you are a fast worker. I know the feeling about work cutting into your art time, but I seem to get more done when I'm working than when I take time off. I think I organize my time better when I work. As they say if you want something done, give it to a busy person.
Love the quilt too.
There's no escaping the bills, is there? Congrats on the speed of a successful job application in the current economic climate. It can't all be doom and gloom can it?
Sorry to hear about the new "job" I know they are necessary but boy they cut into what is really important don't they? But, money is important too.
Good luck with your new job Shirley. I hope it goes well for you.
Congrats on the new job. I'm sure you'll manage to make time for your art.
Love the black and white quilt btw.
I don't know whether to say 'Poor you' or 'Good for you'! So I'll say both. Working is the pits but so necessary! Fortunately I only work for 4 hours in the afternoons! It's enough! The black and white quilt is fun - I love black and white. So sophisticated! Val
Congrats on joining the 9 to 5 crowd. But don't let it get you down. You must keep your creative outlet there too!
The black and white quilt is a very different style than you usually work with. Congratulations on the new job. You did need to keep the cash coming for your fiber addiction.
Hi Shirley, Congratulations on your job. I would love to be paid to quilt and have fun but sadly the $ haven't happened. I am facing a move to Lower Hutt for my job.. scarey stuff. I don't know anyone down there. But the option is move or be redundant! I can't wait to do a black and white.. it's on the list.
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