Sunday, August 30, 2009

In 2006....

I was doing some folded batik.....
...putting my Blended fabrics into a quilt top (ahem! still unfinished!)...don't they look like stained glass here?
...dyeing wool......
.........marbling with shaving foam................
..and generally dyeing up a storm. I only had to work part-time then...but I was also very unhappy.

Does unhappiness / depression / misery / pain produce more art and creativity? Yes in my case. What about you?


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Actually, in my case unhappiness severely suppressed my creativity for several years (unhappy marriage). When I extricated myself from that situation, I began to create again, and haven't stopped since. That was 26 years ago. However, my medium has changed over the years from painting to needlework to dyeing to quilting... evolution? Maybe!

The Idaho Beauty said...

I definitely get more done when I'm not depressed or unhappy. On the other hand, if I make myself go create (as opposed to being creative - sometimes they are different), it lifts my mood, gets me out of my slump.

Did you like that shaving cream method of marbling? I've been meaning to try it.

imquilternity said...

When I'm depressed, I can't force myself to do a thing. Luckily, the older I get the less I'm depressed, but it still does sneak up on me now and then.