Monday, May 18, 2009

Winter Weekend quilt

I made this today using the batiks I showed in Saturday's post. Just call me "prolific"! If I can actually earn some money as well, I'll be happy. I called this "Winter Weekend" because I'll offer it as a weekend class. It's 44" by 35" finished size, so suitable for a lap quilt or for children. I wasn't sure that everyone would like these fabrics, so I made a couple of "alternative idea" blocks as well.
I find beginner quilters are often unable to visualise a quilt in anything other than the sample fabrics, so I hope these will help them to see how the design can be translated into other patterns and colours.
Regular readers will know that I'm intrigued by how my dogs, who are litter mates, often lie together. Here's a partial back to back.
Foot to foot. These photos were taken during the course of a day, so this is a common occurrence.
And an almost mirror image back to back. The dogs have always been together and I don't even want to think about when they get old and one of them dies before the other.


verobirdie said...

Lovely quilt. Good idea to have made extra blocks.
I like the second picture of your dogs, like a heart or superman logo :-)

Judy said...


The Batik quilt is delicous, your dogs are so beautiful, they must be great company.

loulee said...

Mirror image poodles! LOL

Love the quilt top, very bright.

Julie said...

Don't go there Shirley, your dogs are so sweet! Beautiful quilt too.

Milly said...

Oh the quilts are lovely as always and for someone who can't even figure out how to thread her sewing machine I am uber impressed. The dogs are beautiful it is so interesting how they lay together. I wonder since they are litter mates if they might be the canine version of twins?

Janet said...

I love how they're always touching!

and...hugs to you :-)